Its getting towards the end of the year and I’m winding up my fall holiday rush. As I finish up, I like to look back at past years and just remind myself how very very lucky I am to have the privilege of spending a little bit of time documenting families. Every family is unique and its always so much fun meeting a new family and with the hour I have with them, make pictures and memories of their love, humor and all their quirks.
For this post I have focused on some kiddos, in all of their unbearably perfect imperfections. Beautiful babies! I love every aspect of photographing children, they challenge me creatively and artistically. They simply don’t care about “sitting over there”, or “look here and smile”. It’s my job to move beyond those perceived “perfect” childrens photos and capture their authentic selves. All the goofiness, the laughter, the tears and the meltdowns. In 10, 15, 20 years the imperfect but accurate captures of those fleeting moments are what will be treasured, far more so than the idealic perfect portraits.