So here we are, just a few days away from the new year and what better time to freshen up your online profile? If you are at all like me, you tend to leave this type of thing on the back burner… and full disclosure, the last time I had a professional head shot done (I hate that term by the way, lets call them portraits), the last time I had a professional portrait done was 8 years ago! That’s just too long to go without updating your photos. I know I look different and I want to make sure I’m accurately representing myself and my brand to my potential clients.
So maybe you need to update yours because, like me, it’s been a long time. Or maybe you got a new hairstyle and you look fabulous, or perhaps you have a LinkedIn page because you are looking for a new job or career. Whatever it is, the beginning of the new year is a perfect time to get it done!
I’ve made it as simple and painless as possible, every Tuesday in January, with multiple time slots available starting at 8am. Just click on the link below and book your slot. These are only 10 minute “mini” sessions… SO PAINLESS! Wardrobe is entirely up to you, you know what you need these photos for so YOU pick your outfit. The only suggestion I would make is to have one quick and easy way to change your look a little bit. Maybe bring a blazer/jacket, or a sweater to put over your shirt/blouse, this will give you two looks for the price of one and is super easy to do. (also, scarves, jewelry, hats etc).
Session location will always be the same, we’ll meet at the Marilyn statue and I’ll take it from there.
Booking link:
Here are some examples of what you can expect:

*Not all locations will be available for this particular campaign, images for examples of style only.
Again, here is the link, easy peasy!! :